Tag Archives: new year

2017 Bucket list 

2 Jan

To start off the New Year, I have decided to create a new bucket list. I made a list of about 50 things I wanted to do in my life back in high school and even if only one thing came true, it made me happy to check it off or keep trying. Obviously I can’t make homecoming court now, but I like to think the most important things that are meant to happen will someday or in someway. If I make a S.M.A.R.T list I should be able to realistically accomplish my goals.

1. Work out 3-5 days a week. At the very least this will include either weights, workout videos, walking my dogs on a daily basis, bicycling, jogging, and rollerblading. I have all the equipment so no excuses. Time to put the investment to good use. But first, new running shoes. If I finish a dozen or even just one actual race or obstacle challenge such as a 5K, 10K, Savage Race, or Color Run, I will be very proud. It may be a long shot but to compete in the Cross Fit games, BSR, or American Ninja Warrior in the future would be a high expectation.

2. Go on an adventure. Preferably out of state and if I’m really stretching it, out of the country for the first time. Got to use that passport some time before my 10 years expire. I love to try new things and see new places. I definitely want to see how other people live and experience all types of elements. Whether this is a trip to the Florida Keys, camping in the mountains, a cruise I want to make it happen early spring or summer. With my job expanding, I would like to travel for a build up, especially if I want to advance.

3. Write more. I write a blog on here about once a month but I think I should try to network online more and start sharing more of my thoughts with the universe. I hardly post a status on my Facebook regarding how I feel, which I think is a benefit for everyone really but I have to admit, I like to read what people say and hope I can help people by what I have to say. Maybe I could write about movies I’ve watched and start a portfolio. Why not try a video blog or tutorial? I don’t have much of a following on WP or any social media I use but maybe I can change that this year. I have been using the app at work to keep in touch with peers throughout the company in all parts of the country and it has been interesting connecting with them on a professional level.

4.  Start a new hobby. I have recently started some simple DIY projects I saw on Pinterest and it is very rewarding to make something yourself. Along with crafting and DIY projects, I would like to dive into photography and gardening. As soon as I can get my hands on some soil and pebbles, I am planting succulents. Maybe vegetables also: lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, basil, and carrots. Maybe I will try sunflowers again but definitely a salad garden. I want to cook, and I won’t say more because I don’t cook much at all! I would love to make homemade sangria for the first time.

5. Give more. Be more socialable. If anything, be a shoulder for someone to cry on and a helping hand for someone in need. Become an animal foster parent. Donate my time or materials.

6. Buy a home. I want a place for my dogs to live carefree. I want to plant a garden and grow my own vegetables. I want to paint and decorate however I want.