Tag Archives: scarecrow

DIY Halloween Costume: Scarecrow

30 Oct

Halloween is my favorite holiday because it is by the far the most unique and fun. At my job, Coworkers dress up and pass out candy to children that trick or treat throughout the Showroom. This year, I decided to be a scarecrow because it was the first thing I could come up with from items I already had in my closet! Plus, it is super easy and really cute. It only took me five minutes to put it together including the makeup! I am so glad I didn’t spend money on a costume this year. I checked out a Spirit store and it was super expensive! Plus, last year I was a Leopard and bought everything from Party City and it all fell apart! I bought paws, makeup, a tail, and fangs and it cost me almost $30!

What you need:

  • Straw hat, could be a fishing hat, or any large hat with a brim all the way around
  • Overalls or any jeans
  • Plaid shirt
  • Eyeliner
  • Lipstick
  • Blush

Simple Steps:

I have really short hair but you can add braids or pigtails with your hair.

With the eyeliner, I drew a patch for a nose and colored it in with either red lipstick or blush.

I drew stitches for the mouth.

Then I drew eyelashes under my eyes.

I added some color by drawing really round red cheeks.

That’s it! Here is the look: